Activities at a Glance

Details of Activities performed


  1. Development of textbooks in General science, Life science and Physical science for upper primary classes in the light of NCF, 2005 and section 29 of RTE, 2009
  1. Developing Computer Aided Learning (CAL) lessons on selected topics in upper primary (classes VI-VIII) syllabi, following WBBSE curriculum
  1. Activities of SCERT (WB) in the State Resource Group on Computer Aided Learning
  1. Terminal Achievement Survey at the end of class -VIII in collaboration with NCERT
  1. Development of strategies and materials for improvement of classroom environment in the light of RTE Act, 2009 and NCF, 2005
  1. Development of strategies and materials in the light of RTE Act for Special Training in West Bengal
  1. Students’ & Teachers’ Time-on-Task in primary schools of West Bengal
  1. Development of textbooks in Mathematics for upper primary classes in the light of NCF, 2005 and section 29 of RTE,2009
  1. Preparation of Teacher Education Annual Plan (2012-13) & Perspective Plan under CSSTE for the 12th Five Year Plan Period (2012-17)
  1. Capacity building of teachers / teacher educators in statistical techniques for conducting educational surveys
  1. Orientation of primary school teachers on teaching of Mathematics, conducted by CIET in collaboration with SCERT (WB) by video conferencing through EDUSAT Network.
  1. National Population Education Project (NPEP)
  1. National Population Education Project (NPEP)
  1. National Achievement Survey at the end of classes-VIII& III
  1. Development of material on conducting action researchby teachers for improving quality of classroom teaching-learning.
  1. Development of strategies and materials for improvement of classroom environment in the light of RTE Act 2009 & NCF, 2005
  1. Capacity building of teacher/teacher educators other funtionaries instatisticaltechniques of conducting educational  surveys
  1. Preparation of  “West Bengal elementary teacher education curriculum framework’2013”- the draft D.El.Ed curriculum in the light of NCFTE
  1. National Population Education Project (NPEP)
  1. National population education project (NPEP)
  1. National Achievement Survey at the end of class-V, cycle- IV
  1. School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) in  the state of West Bengal, a joint initiative with NCSL, NUEPA
  1. Workshop on Guidance and Counselling toward creating a pool of Guidance officers in West Bengal
  1. Development of teachers’ training modules on CCE (primary & upper primary) and Pre-primary education
  1. Strengthening of DIET- SCERT relationship
  1. Preparation of D. El. Ed. Curriculum as per NCFTE-2009
  1. Coordinating visits of the Joint Review Mission (JRM) for teacher education
  1. Creation of ICT empowered Teacher Educators in the state of West Bengal
  2. Collaboration with TESS-India, a DFID funded project


  1. Organisation of Role Play / Folk Dance competetion under National Population Education Project.
  1. National Achievement Survey, Class VIII, Cycle -4
  1. Development of Teachers’ Training Modules on Child Protection Policy.
  1. TESS India Project in collaboration with SCERT (WB)
  1. School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP)
  1. Utkarsha Abhijan 2014 for classes II and VI.
  1. Capacity Building of teachers and students for teaching-learning through L2 in Model Schools of West Bengal.


  1. Activities under NPEP.
  1. National Achievement Survey at the end of class VIII,Cycle – 4
  1. National Achievement Survey at the end of class III ,Cycle – 4
  1. Teachers’ Training on Child Protection Policy.
  1. Pilot study on Performance Indiacators (PINDICS) for Elementary Schools.
  1. School Leadership Development Programme.
  1. Utkarsha Abhijan 2015 for classes III & VII.
  2. Model School Evaluation and improvement study
  3. TESS India Project
  4. Project activities ubder RMSA.

ACTIVITIES 2016-2017

  • National Population Education Project (NPEP) activities as approved by NCERT for the year 2016-17
  • Gender Sensitization among the Pre-service Trainees of the D.El.Ed course in DIETs of West Bengal.
  • Data Base & Computing Technology for Teacher Education under CSSTE.
  • Research Methodology Course for Teacher Educators in DIET & SCERT (WB)
  • Diploma in Pre School Education (DPSE)
  • School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) in West Bengal under RMSA.
  • Teacher Training on “ICT in Education”
  • Teacher Training under RMSA
  • Around 14000 Teachers have taken training on different subjects viz. English, Physical Science, Life Science, Maths in West Bengal
  • Around 18000 Teachers have taken training on Inclusive Education & Career Counselling in West Bengal
  • Development of Mathematics Laboratory Manual for Teacher Educators and conducting dissemination workshop.
  • Digitization of SCERT ‘s Library
  • Digitization of English Teaching –Learning Material

Teacher Education Network (TEN) Project


National Achievement Survey (NAS)

National Population Education Project (NPEP)

Gender Sensitization among The Pre Service Trainees Of The D.El.Ed Course In West Bengal

Digitization of SCERT Library

Research Methodology Certificate Course for Teacher Educators

Providing Support to Vocational Education Programmes In School Education

School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) for Headmasters

Teacher Training On “ICT In Education”

Teacher Education Network (TEN) Project

Development of Mathematics Laboratory Manual For Teacher Educators And Conducting Dissemination Workshop.



  • Academic:
  1. National Achievement Survey in class III & VIII (A NCERT & MHRD Project)
  2. School Leadership Programme for HM ( A RMSA Project)
  3. Translation work of the content for Vocational Education.
  4. Development of Mathematics Laboratory Manual for Teacher Educators (A CSSTE Project).
  5. National Population Education Project Activity.
  1. Conducting a Research Study “To find out the issues behind the educational outcomes observed in Elementary Education in West Bengal in the light of National Achievement Survey-2017”.
  2. Conducting a Research Study A study on drop-out at the secondary level in Govt. & Govt.-Aided Schools in West Bengal.
  3. Development of Digital content for the Secondary level on English Language.
  4. Advocacy programme on Child Protection in School (A CSSTE Project) .
  5. Orientation of the newly recruited Teacher Educators in DIETs on Action Research.
  • Administrative:
  1. Various administrative affairs related to DIETs in West Bengal.
  2. Service matters of DIET employees.
  3. Financial matters namely allocation of fund, approval of various works of DIET, Audit etc.
  4. IFMS and HRMS related works of DIETs and SCERT (WB) employees.
  5. Various issues related on DIET 2nd Campus which has established under BRGF Scheme.
  6. Periodic inspection of DIETs for monitoring and supervision.
  7. Any other administrative works related to DIETs and SCERT (WB).